Devine + Partners
devinepartners.comDevine + Partners is a public relations firm based in Philadelphia. We worked with their team to design and develop a single-page website that accurately and creatively tells the story of their organization.
We’ve had the opportunity to work with dozens of amazing clients, including small businesses, non-profits, startups and global brands.
Devine + Partners is a public relations firm based in Philadelphia. We worked with their team to design and develop a single-page website that accurately and creatively tells the story of their organization.
Collaborating with the mighty WebDevStudios, we took the design lead on the redesign of Uwishunu, a popular events website in Philadelphia. This project involved several onsite meetings at the clients’ office, storyboarding ideas and talking through site features. A lot of time was spent on the list template, which is used extensively throughout the website. WebDevStudios did an amazing job hooking into a maps API to bring these pages to life.
The City School is a Pre-K to Grade 12 school with three campuses spread across Philadelphia. We worked with their marketing and communications team to design and develop a website that showcases the individual campuses, including student life and athletic information.